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  3. Minecraft 1.1.0
  4. Task 101-92f-1408
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Database Open Access

Published: Dec. 17, 2018. Version: 1.0.0

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Goldberger, A., Amaral, L., Glass, L., Hausdorff, J., Ivanov, P. C., Mark, R., .. & Stanley, H. E. (2000). PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a new research resource for complex physiologic signals. Circulation [Online]. 101 (23), pp. e215–e220.

Provides additional types that simplify the work of writing concurrent and asynchronous code. Commonly Used Types: System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask. 21 hours ago  Clatsop County Task Force 57 is back. The team began at the Glass fire in Sonoma County before heading to the August Complex fire, which started Aug. 17 and burned more than 1 million acres in seven counties. An O(1) scheduler (pronounced 'O of 1 scheduler', 'Big O of 1 scheduler', or 'constant time scheduler') is a kernel scheduling design that can schedule processes within a constant amount of time, regardless of how many processes are running on the operating system. “An Inter-egg-sting Development” is a Team GO Rocket Special Research quest line. It is only available if you completed “Looming in the Shadows” or an older version of a Team GO Rocket special research quest line. Throughout this quest line, you will be given a chance to battle and defeat Giovanni and to obtain a.

MLAGoldberger, A., et al. 'PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a new research resource for complex physiologic signals. Circulation [Online]. 101 (23), pp. e215–e220.' (2000).
APAGoldberger, A., Amaral, L., Glass, L., Hausdorff, J., Ivanov, P. C., Mark, R., .. & Stanley, H. E. (2000). PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a new research resource for complex physiologic signals. Circulation [Online]. 101 (23), pp. e215–e220.
ChicagoGoldberger, A., L. Amaral, L. Glass, J. Hausdorff, P. C. Ivanov, R. Mark, J. E. Mietus, G. B. Moody, C. K. Peng, and H. E. Stanley. 'PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a new research resource for complex physiologic signals. Circulation [Online]. 101 (23), pp. e215–e220.' (2000).
HarvardGoldberger, A., Amaral, L., Glass, L., Hausdorff, J., Ivanov, P.C., Mark, R., Mietus, J.E., Moody, G.B., Peng, C.K. and Stanley, H.E., 2000. PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a new research resource for complex physiologic signals. Circulation [Online]. 101 (23), pp. e215–e220.
VancouverGoldberger A, Amaral L, Glass L, Hausdorff J, Ivanov PC, Mark R, Mietus JE, Moody GB, Peng CK, Stanley HE. PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a new research resource for complex physiologic signals. Circulation [Online]. 101 (23), pp. e215–e220.


The database contains EEG recordings of subjects before and during the performance of mental arithmetic tasks.

Study Methods

The EEGs were recorded monopolarly using Neurocom EEG 23-channel system (Ukraine, XAI-MEDICA). The silver/silver chloride electrodes were placed on the scalp according to the International 10/20 scheme. All electrodes were referenced to the interconnected ear reference electrodes.

A high-pass filter with a 30 Hz cut-off frequency and a power line notch filter (50 Hz) were used. All recordings are artifact-free EEG segments of 60 seconds duration. At the stage of data preprocessing, the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) was used to eliminate the artifacts (eyes, muscle, and cardiac overlapping of the cardiac pulsation). The arithmetic task was the serial subtraction of two numbers. Each trial started with the communication orally 4-digit (minuend) and 2-digit (subtrahend) numbers (e.g. 3141 and 42).

The participants were eligible to enroll in the study if they had normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity, normal color vision, had no clinical manifestations of mental or cognitive impairment, verbal or non-verbal learning disabilities. Exclusion criteria were the use of psychoactive medication, drug or alcohol addiction and psychiatric or neurological complaints.


The data files with EEG are provided in EDF (European Data Format) format. Each subject has 2 files:

  • with '_1' suffix -- the recording of the background EEG of a subject (before mental arithmetic task)
  • with '_2' suffix -- the recording of EEG during the mental arithmetic task.

The recording datetime information has been set to Jan 01 for all files.

In this experiment all subjects are divided into two groups:

  • Group 'G' (24 subjects) performing good quality count (Mean number of operations per 4 minutes = 21, SD = 7.4).
  • Group 'B' (12 subjects) performing bad quality count (Mean number of operations per 4 minutes = 7, SD = 3.6).

In subject-info.csv, the 'Count quality' column indicates which subjects correspond to which group (0 - Group 'B', 1 - Group 'G'). Additionally, subject-info.csv provides basic information about each subject (gender, age, job, date of recording).

Both EDF and EDF+ formats are free and can be viewed using free software such as:

  • Polyman (for MS-Windows only; for details, please follow the link) EDFbrowser (for Linux, Mac OS X, and MS-Windows; at www.teuniz.net)
  • LightWAVE and the PhysioBank ATM, platform-independent web applications from PhysioNet
  • WAVE and other applications for Linux, Mac OS X, and MS-Windows in the WFDB Software Package, also from PhysioNet
  • For using the following EDF files in Python code, we suggest using the PyEDFlib for processing the files (https://github.com/holgern/pyedflib/tree/master/pyedflib).


This database was contributed by Igor Zyma, Sergii Tukaev, and Ivan Seleznov, National Technical University of Ukraine 'Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute', Department of Electronic Engineering.

For further information, please contact:

Ivan Seleznov
National Technical University of Ukraine 'Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute', Department of Electronic Engineering.

Access Policy:
Anyone can access the files, as long as they conform to the terms of the specified license.

License (for files):
Open Data Commons Attribution License v1.0




Corresponding Author
You must be logged in to view the contact information.


Total uncompressed size: 175.1 MB.

Access the files
  • Download the ZIP file (175.1 MB)
  • Access the files using the Google Cloud Storage Browser here. Login with a Google account is required.
  • Access the data using Google Cloud 'gsutil':
  • Download the files using your terminal:
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Warning: This document is deprecated.For information about authorizing Android apps using OAuth 2.0 please have a look at theAndroid Play Services Authorization documentation.For an up-to-date Android sample app using the Google Tasks API have a look at the Google Tasks API Android sample from the Google APIs Client Library for Java.

This document explains how to use the Tasks API with OAuth 2.0 on Android. It describes the authorization mechanisms to gain access to a user's Google Tasks and how you can have a ready to use Tasks API service Object in your Android application.

In order for your Android application to use the Tasks API several steps are necessary, you need to:

Tasks 1 0 1

Importing Google's client library

The samples you will find in this document use the Google APIs client library for Java. You will need to add the following jars to your Android application, to do that, place the jars listed below in the /assets folder at the root of your android application. Also check for new versions as this document gets older.

Import the Google APIs client library jars and its Android extensions (all part of google-api-java-client-1.4.1-beta.zip):

  • google-api-client-1.4.1-beta.jar
  • google-api-client-extensions-android2-1.4.1-beta.jar
  • google-api-client-googleapis-1.4.1-beta.jar
  • google-api-client-googleapis-extensions-android2-1.4.1-beta.jar

Import the Tasks specific jar:

Import dependencies (all part of google-api-java-client-1.4.1-beta.zip):

  • commons-codec-1.3.jar
  • gson-1.6.jar
  • guava-r09.jar
  • httpclient-4.0.3.jar
  • httpcore-4.0.1.jar
  • jackson-core-asl-1.6.7.jar
  • jsr305-1.3.9.jar

Google accounts in Android

Since Android 2.0, the AccountManager manages the accounts that you have registered in your environment, the ones that are listed under Settings > Accounts & sync. Specifically, it handles the authorization flow and can generate authorization tokens that are required to access data using APIs.

In order to be able to use the AccountManager to get accounts and to request authorization tokens you need to add the following permissions in your Android application manifest:

You can use the AccountManager to get the Google account which you want to access the Tasks for. The AccountManager not only manages Google accounts but also accounts from other vendors. Therefore you will need to specifically ask for Google accounts by using the code below:

Alternatively the Google APIs client library for Java comes with a GoogleAccountManager which only handles Google accounts:

If more than one Google accounts are available on the Android device you should prompt the user for the account he wishes to use with a dialog that could look like this: Ismartphoto 1 7 1 – image browser and organizer.

You could build such a dialog by using the following switch/case code in the onCreateDialog method of your activity:

Calling showDialog(DIALOG_ACCOUNTS) will display the account chooser dialog.

The Google APIs authorization flow on Android

Now that the user has chosen an account we can ask the AccountManager to issue an OAuth 2.0 access token for the Task API. This is done by calling the AccountManager.getAuthToken() method. During the AccountManager.getAuthToken() call the AccountManager will take care of contacting the Google APIs authorization endpoint. When the AccountManager has retrieved the authorization token it will run the AccountManagerCallback that you have defined in the method call:

As you may already know the Android AccountManager has experimental support for OAuth 2.0. You just need to prefix the scope of the API you want to access with oauth2: when setting the AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE. So for the Tasks API you can use:

The problem when using the value above as the AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE is that the string oauth2:https://www.googleapis.com/auth/tasks will be displayed in the authorization dialog as the name of the Google product you want to access. To work around this, special — human-readable — AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE aliases exists for the Tasks API. They are equivalent to using the OAuth 2.0 scope. For example you can use:

You can also use the AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE alias View your tasks which is equivalent to the Tasks API read-only scope: oauth2:https://www.googleapis.com/auth/tasks.readonly.

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During the AccountManager.getAuthToken() call the AccountManager will check if your application has been authorized to access the Tasks API. If your application has not yet been authorized an Activity is started by the AccountManager which displays an authorization dialog to the user so that they can Allow or Deny your application to use the Tasks API on their account.

If the user denies your application access to the Tasks API, an OperationCanceledException will be thrown during the future.getResult() call. You should handle that gracefully for example by asking to choose the account again or displaying a message with a button to authorize access again.

Task 101-92f-1422

Identifying your application and setting up the Tasks API service Object

Now that your application has authorization to access the Tasks API and that it have been given an access token you also need an API Key that you need to get from a project in the Google APIs Console as it is mandatory for making Tasks API calls. To do that follow these steps:

  1. Create a project or use an existing one
  2. Enable the Tasks API on your project by toggling the Tasks API switch to ON
  3. The API Key can be found at API Access > Simple API Access > API Key

The API Key is mandatory as it identifies your application and therefore allows the API to deduct quota and use the quota rules defined for your project. You need to specify the API Key on your Tasks service Object:

The accessToken is only valid for a certain amount of time, so you will have to get a new one when it expires. There are 2 ways of handling this:

  • Request an accessToken to the AccountManager every time you make requests through the API. Since the AccountManager caches the token this solution is acceptable.
  • Keep using your accessToken until you get a 403 error at which point you ask for a new token to the AccountManager.

Manipulating Tasks through the API

At this point you should have a fully set up Tasks API service Object which you can use to query the API as per the Tasks API developer's Guide, for example:

Don't forget to add the permission to access the Internet to your Android application manifest otherwise the above requests to the Tasks API endpoints will fail:

Sample application

Minecraft 1.1.0

We recently added a new sample to the Google APIs Client Library for Java sample repository to help you getting started with the Tasks API and OAuth 2.0 on Android. The sample is a simple but fully working Android application which requests authorization to use the Tasks API and display the default task list's tasks in a ListView.

Task 101-92f-1408

Displaying the tasks in the default tasks list in a ListView

0 And 1

Follow these instructions to get the sample running, and don't hesitate to post your feedback or questions to the Google Tasks API Forum.

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